Planning a Story

So, right now I find myself at 12:40am GMT planning a story that I am excited about and fairly hopeful that I will do the story justice.

To be honest, I never thought it would happen. But I guess mulling the story over in my mind has helped endless amounts. Instead of jumping in at the deep end without much thought about what the story will contain. Only being excited about writing it. The excitement is good, but the inability to finish a story due to not knowing where it is going is frustrating.

A simple character profile, found on Deviant Art really useful as it gives you a real feel for the character in your mind; especially when it's an OC you're familiar with but not 100% sure on them, in terms of emotions etc... things that are more than what you see.

Also using a scene with which I am familiar with and have access to many artefacts if I struggle to remember certain things which are important to the story.

Anyway, I best be heading off as I'm on a roll with writing about my character's profile.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, got what you wanted, saw family and ate lots of lovely food. Wishing you all a lovely new year. Stay safe x
December 28th, 2014 at 01:52am