What's Your Number?

Yes, I'm about to talk about that dreaded number. Not your weight. Not your age. Not the grade you got on your last final. That number that makes some people fall to their knees.

How many sexual partners have you had?

Now, I'm not asking this to get an answer out of anyone. This isn't some poll to see the average number of sexual partners on Mibba. This is something a little bit more than that.

I want to talk about what that number means. Or more importantly what it doesn't mean.

I have had sex with seven people. That is a lot of people. I know that. I wasn't dating all of them. I do regret one or two of them. (Two, actually). But am I embarrassed by that number? No. Am I ashamed of it? No. Am I proud of it? Still a no. Do I let it define me? Absolutely not.

I'm currently in a very serious relationship and am far past the point of discussing sexual partners, but lots of my friends are still in the dating scene, and it seems like time and time again they get asked how many people they have slept with.

I don't know why. I don't know who decided it was okay for people to ask that. I don't know why it's any of the guy's business how many people a girl has had sex with or vice versa.

Bottom line is... the number of people you have had sex with doesn't define you. It doesn't make you any better or any worse than anyone else. And at the end of the day, it's not anybody else's business who you've slept with. As long as you're clean, they shouldn't have a reason to care.

Having a high number of sexual partners doesn't make you undateable. It doesn't mean you're never going to get married. It doesn't mean you're dirty, gross or a whore. It doesn't mean anything.

It's just a number.
December 28th, 2014 at 07:11am