Dear Casey, Letters to the Dog I Lost (7)

Happy new year Casey girl,

We've now been through thanksgiving, Christmas and new years eve without you. Having one dog is starting to feel more and more normal. Don't get me wrong i know at least I definitely still miss you but it's significantly easier than it was.

I guess it's just like anything else in life, when you lose a pet you re-learn your previous way of living. That's kind of the point I guess in living and dying is to learn how to live with the changes, not everyone is always going to be here and you need to learn to roll with the punches. I don't think it's something you ever really learn either, you just adjust because that's all that's left to do.

With that being said, I think this is my last letter, it's not like i ever thought you or anyone would read them anyway which is fine, it was my coping mechanism and I've learned to cope. Thank you for 13 years, we had our ups and downs and in the end if given the chance I would do it again. Even though I know how it ends I wouldn't want to miss the middle, you were a great dog and definitely man's best friend. My only regret in your life is not realizing your suffering earlier, but thank you for telling me, telling all of us when it was time.

I'm glad my first and last memory of you will always be the same, holding you (which was a lot easier when you were a 6 pound puppy) your blue green eyes shining brightly I swear you smiled (I think you always smiled) licking that same spot on my arm as you slowly fell asleep. The first time it happened it was sweet, the second time was much more bitter sweet. But what it all comes down to is you were the best friend I ever had, thank you.

Goodbye pretty girl
January 1st, 2015 at 11:17pm