Update 1/2/2015

After the finishing five stories, Quizilla shutting down, the New Year, and to changing my username I'm still the same old twat. I figured after eight months without updating any new stories or chapters that I would write a blog update to whomever it may concern.

I apologize that I have been a ghost on Mibba, I've just been really busy with college and my prolonged writers block has been killing my writing mood. To be honest I have six unfinished stories in my queue and some that I have barely even begun. If you must know one of those stories is With You is Where I Want to Be, which I apologize for if there are still any hopefuls waiting for a new chapter. I just have not written anything behind chapter thirty-six, because of my writers block. I will still continue the story, I'm just in a bump in the road right now until I come up with more to write.

Also within my queue is another finished story from my junior high school Quizilla days that I'm currently revising little by little each day, hoping it will inspire me with other stories. I'm just really wanting to upload this story in hopes that it will allow me to work on With You is Where I Want to Be and other stories within my documents.

Further within my documents and stories I have a completely finished and revised story waiting to be uploaded to Mibba. This story was written for Quizilla when I just begun junior high and when I first started writing stories. However, I'm still unsure if I want to upload it anywhere on the internet. It's just a really strange fan fiction combination, so much so that it reminds me of 2005 and being a preteen. I'll think about uploading it for fun, but we'll see for right now.

Well thank you to anyone who has read this and cares to know about my writers block journey. I promise to continue on with my queued stories and to make sure the New Year of 2015 defeats any and all writers block. Have a great day everyone!


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January 3rd, 2015 at 03:11am