Unattainable and Ridiculous New Year's Resolutions I'm Making

Body Care

1. Moisturize my skin at least once a day.
2. Moisturize my face at least once a day.
3. Paint my toe/fingernails at least once a week.
4. Actually style my hair at least once a week.
5. Don't bother pimples.

Home Stuff

1. Get the bed made everyday (either me or the boy).
2. Put the dishes in the dishwasher as soon as I'm done eating/drinking.
3. Clean up surface-mess every night before hitting the hay.
4. Clean up dresser top and bedroom after getting ready to go out. (Don't leave it a hot and unholy mess because getting ready to 'go out' is awful and unjust.
5. Clean out the fridge at the end of every week.

Internet Stuff

1. Don't open e-mails unless I have time to respond to them at that moment.
2. Clean up my Tumblr post tags at the end of every week.
3. Save my work properly the first time (give them actual titles - not wwherheqw, place them in the proper folders - instead of dropping them on the desktop, and save them to the Google Drive right away).
4. On Mibba, don't open alerts/PMs unless I have time to respond to them at that moment.
5. Clear out my message/pms/e-mails at least once a week.

Money Money Money!

1. Get everything necessary under auto-payments.
2. Pay my library debt on time (and not when they cut me off and I need to borrow another book).
3. Fill my car with gas every time!
4. Save my change in the change jar (instead of stuffing them all in the U-scan machines and holding up the line).
5. For the love of God, stop buying bottled water! (Be prepared and carry my waterbottle everywhere and keep it full!)


1. McDonald's no more than once a week during the weekdays, and no more than once a day on the weekends.
2. Learn to cook rice.
3. Calm down on the freakin' garlic.
4. Order something new when I get takeout.
5. Actually make the foods I pin.


1. Stop.
2. Just freaking stop.
3. With the Pinterest.
4. And buying craft supplies.
5. Unless I'm going to actually make the thing within the next seven days.


1. Don't even go there anymore unless I need a specific thing. (And even then, bring a designated-buyer.)
2. It's worse than Pinterest.
3. The As-Is guy made me a Christmas sweet-bread.
4. I am the actual worst with this store.
5. But I recently bought a $480 sofabed for Ten FREAKING dollars from the As-Is section.

Friends and Family

1. Call my mom (or at the least, answer her calls) at least once a week.
2. Call my dad (or at the least, answer his calls) at least once a month.
3. Stop bothering my sister on Facebook every two seconds. (Unless the thing is, like, really really crazy-funny.)
4. Just be better about keeping in touch with people, answering phone calls/text messages/e-mails/Tumblr asks.
5. Stop being a dick to that one cousin I'm not a huge fan of. (Or at least, be less cold.)

Social Goals

1. Accept 1-in-5 social invitations, at least. (Even if you're not really into it.)
2. Go to a movie at least once a month. (NOT 'watch a movie on Netflix' - actually go to a theater with other humans.)
3. Go to a bar at least once a month.
4. Go to a restaurant (NOT a cafe! and not take out!) at least once a month.
5. Just 'hang' with a group (3 or more) of friends at least once a month.

Writing! (Ha!)

1. Write something at least once a day. Even if it's note in my cell phone or a note on a Post-it. Preferably, at least 500 words a day. Realistically, at least 100 words a day? Super-Realistically, at least an idea, a bit of dialogue or description, a line...a day.
2. Seriously edit before posting.
3. Organize writing websites/subscriptions.
4. Make proper story info pages/layouts for everything before posting.
5. Less fanfiction?


1. ABR - Always be reading at least one novel. Always have novel on you - either in paper or Kindle form. Always be in the middle of some book. Never be like, "Uh...no...I'm actually not reading anything right now."
2. Finish at least one book every two weeks.
3. Read at least one full-length/WIP online fiction every week.
4. Read at least one online one-shot/short story every day.
5. Leave a decent comment on at least one online fic a week.


1. Be more patient with mother.
2. Be more patient with that aunt I don't like.
3. Be more patient with family drama.
4. Be more patient with friend drama.
5. In general, roll eyes less (both physically and in my head).


1. Give more compliments (both in my head and out loud).
2. Burn more CDs and make more playlists. (Generally listen to more music.)
3. Take it down a notch with the house-fragrances (literally bought four candles today at BBW, but they were $1.50 and came in such cute little jars with screw on tops and I know that will be useful for crafts later).
4. Stop being annoyed by other people out in the real world (or at least reduce how often I'm annoyed by real-life persons by like 20%). Be 20% less annoyed.
5. Take down Christmas decorations before Valentine's day.

Bonus: Go to more festivals, fairs, concerts, and outdoor markets. And learn to spell better without robot aid.
January 5th, 2015 at 02:54am