Trying to Live a Healthy Life: Easier Said Than Done

Week 1

I love fattening food. Hamburgers, french fries, really anything fattening and I love it. I know it's bad for you but it's just too freaking good. And that definitely gets in the way of having that 'bikini body' everyone seems to be talking about. I'm going to Mexico in just over two weeks and I told myself I'd get in shape before I leave. Haha, yeah about that...

Why is it everyone acts like it is so easy to live a healthy life? "Just cut carbs out of your diet!" They say like it is as simple as that. "Drink water, not pop (or soda for you non-midwesterners). Stay away from coffee." I am a senior in high school..I would die without my coffee. I don't count calories, I don't think about how bad the food I'm eating is for me. I just eat it because I like it. I don't want to spend my life eating a small portion of fruit and grains. I want to eat whatever I want. I'm sure most of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Granted, I'm 5'6 and weigh 130, so I'm not overweight but that doesn't mean I don't have insecurities.

However, from now on I am going to honestly try and stay healthy. But in an honest way. I know I will still continue eating fast food. And I know I won't work out everyday (Or probably every other, either.) so I'm giving myself 'allowances.' I will allow myself one fast food meal a week, and one bottle of pop (soda) and that's it. The rest are meals I will eat at home. Not only is it healthier, but it is also cheaper. I know water gets boring. So I've started putting cucumber and lemon slices in my water to add a variety of taste, which is actually really good. I am going to try and do a core work out every day in hopes of getting a flat stomach out of the deal. So, in motivation of that I'm going to try and keep things updated on here. That way I won't lose inspiration to continue trying.

What I want to know is, who else has struggles sticking to a work out, or a diet? Because you aren't alone. I want you to comment and let me know what YOU are trying to do, and how it has been working out so far. Who knows, maybe we can all work on getting healthier together. I've recently read that being healthy doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy. You need to think of yourself in the long term sense, not only living for today and tomorrow. I admit I very rarely think about my long term self, especially when it comes to food. But I think if we all work on it together, we can work on becoming better, not perfect. But better. And that's all you can really do.
January 7th, 2015 at 09:37pm