I'm a Mommy!

I'm a little late on this but I thought I'd let you all know!
Ethan was born on December 20th at 2:30pm. He was 6lbs 12oz and had to be born via cesarean because of complications.

I started having contractions at 3:30am on the 19th and went to the hospital at 7am because my contractions were 4 minutes apart they decided to send me home at noon because I was only dilated 2cm and my water hadn't broken and they told me they'd probably stop. So we went home and went back to the hospital at 8pm because, guess what, they didn't stop and they started to hurt worse. This time I was only a "tight three" as they nurse called it and my water still hadn't broken but this time they decided to admit me because by this time they didn't think the contractions would stop. They hooked up my IVs and gave me petocin, hoping that stronger contractions would break my water or help me dilate but Ethan had an adverse effect to it. After they administered it every time I'd have a contraction his heart rate would drop. So they immediately stopped it and manually broke my water at 4am. By 10am I was fully contracted and pushing but by 2pm he still wasn't coming. My pelvis was to narrow to push him out. So wallah! He was cut out of me.

But yeah, so here are some pictures!

But yeah, between feeding him and doctors appointments and trying to sleep I dont have a lot of time to be online.
January 7th, 2015 at 10:26pm