I've Been Driving Since August + Project Fiction! + Featured Story! + Justin Bieber Is a Babe & a Half

Wowowowow stuff has happened.

I've had my permit since late August. Slowly but surely it's become less nerve-wracking (driving with other idiots while being an idiot myself, ahem), and I guess I just wanna document this so that when I read it in the future I can just be like "wahaha oh yeah...that happened. wow, that's how I felt about it? okay cool, I don't remember that but cool."

I dunno. A couple of people have honked/gotten mad at me and my mom has had to tell people to "shut the fuck up asshole" a time or two, but I'm not as nervous as I used to be. I'm not excited for it, but I don't dread it either. I'm neutral. I'm Switzerland.

QUICK SHOUT OUT TO THE MIBBA MAGAZINE FOR FEATURING SARAH ALICE! This was five months ago (because I suck and I'm mia a lot) but I gotta show appreciation. Thanks a lot guys. :)

Also, lots of love and thanks to the crew over Project Fiction! This happened two months ago I think (let me repeat: I suck and I'm mia a lot), but maaan it's still makes me just as happy. And a whole bunch of virtual hugs and kisses to the person that nominated Sarah Alice! (IF YOU SEE THIS PLEASE TELL ME WHO YOU ARE I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND ALRIGHT REVEAL YOURSELF). And I have this theory that the person who nominated me also nominated some of my friends' stories too; I noticed that several of (really good, no really like awesome) stories were accepted around the same time. (hmmmmmm)

Side note: my apologies if this came off as braggish. I don't mean to and I'm sorry if this comes across that way, but y'all, it brings me so much happiness when I think about these things, they're personal mini-accomplishments, y'know?

And last, but certainly not least, let us admire the lovely Justin Bieber.


He's super beautiful to me. I ain't sorry.

Super proud of him for that Calvin Klein photoshoot, he looks like a dream. Plus a new album is coming soon (!!!!!!!!!). Journals (everyone should listen to it it's got bonus tracks and everything click the link click it) showed some hardcore sadness and depth and sincerity. Can't wait to see what's next. I want him to show what he's feeling through his music again, I miss that. He's talentoso like that you know. (Also don't come at me with those Calvin Klein photos being photoshopped because the rumors of him being edited were debunked.)

If you've gotten to the end of this, congrats haha. Hope y'all had Merry Christmases and a really Happy New Year! (super late but whatevs, it still counts I think...I hope. :p)

Wow this blog was all over the place.
January 11th, 2015 at 09:32am