January's Aims and Questions

I made new years resolutions and like 93% of people, I have broken them already. Actually, that was a big fat lie - I didn't even try to begin them. What I am going to do instead is at the beginning of every month, I will make a brief list of a few things I wish to accomplish that month. I can't work long term goals, but I'm very good at achieving things in small doses, so this should be easy.

[ ] lose 5 pound
I've got just under 3 weeks to accomplish this aim and it's realistic enough because when I begin to cut the crap, my body will drop that weight almost instantly in shock; everything after that will be a challenge.

[ ] mind my own buisness
Too often I stick my big nose where it doesn't belong and then freak out about the things I've said or done in retaliation - no more!

[ ] ring dentist
I've to get a small filling done on Friday but I'm not comfortable with my current dentist and wish to change.

[ ] read Shamanka
I bought this book close to three years ago and only just started reading it, now I need to finish it.

[ ] get half way through Shadows and Strongholds
It's a wonderful medieval based book about family and love and titles and honour. I stole it from a hotel in Egypt about 10 years ago and still haven't finished it!

(1) Have you got new years resolutions? What are they and have you kept or broken them yet?
(2) Are you reading anything? If so, what?
(3) How do you deal with motivation, or lack there of it?
January 11th, 2015 at 10:49pm