Ah Life

Too many things have happened this past by year. Many of which I'd really rather just forget. Because this is basically just a "make sense of it all" blog ( go introversion!) I'm going to list them down in the order with which they happened:
1) The Boy and I broke up. Yes I am well aware that boy and relationship issues pale in comparison to everything else that unfolded in 2014 but this needs to be mentioned because it was the one time that I learned the real meaning of heartbreak. Of the kind of pain that echoes from your chest and trickles down into your soul so slowly that you kind of get used to it being there.
2) I graduated with a degree Not much to say on that really.
3) I got a proper job Read " I became a functioning adult."
4) My mum died I don't want to talk about this honestly.

So yeah that's about it for me. I don't know why I felt the need to post it all up but Mibba has always been kind if an emotional refuge so I think maybe I'll start posting ( and updating) more often now.
January 14th, 2015 at 01:29am