Joy of life


Well what is new? ummm today i had grad photos those were alot of fun. I really don't like haveing photos done i am really ugly when it comes to that kind of stuff. I have always look horrible in photos. So i hope that my photos come out good. And now my mom has to send back my school photos because they made me look ever worst then i already am. I look like a snowman with a Cherry as a head. They are just that bad. Anywho this week i found out about a new band that i enjoy listening to and it is Tokio Hotel. I found out about them on Mibba. So I thought i would check them out and they are pritty good. I have listened to anothere band from Gremany before it what Rammstein. I like there music for awhile but i just got tired of it. But when i found out about Tokio Hotel i thought they were awsome. I know this is going to sound weired but i think German music sound interesting with the lengue they speak. There words sound so harsh but there not. I Know know that just sounds chezzy. But i hope you get what i am trying to say. Well today like i said was ok because i had grade photos but the other thing that happend today was the my friend girlfriend came home today. Well she is a nice girl and all. But a couple months back so yell at me for takeing a my other friends side. The story is that they broke up and when this happend the other one got really upset about it. Because i knew them for almost all of my life i went to help them get through the whole break up. The other one got up set with me saying that just because i didn't want to be her friend didn't mean i had to treat her like shit. For one thing i am not that kind of person. And i never didn't want to be here friend. Anywho back to what i was talking about she came back to day and acted all buddy buddy with me. I don't know what to do. I you have any advice you can let me know. And i am not just writhing this for you to solve my problems i just need some advice. well i am going to go now i am tired.
October 5th, 2007 at 09:55am