Good Posting Times

I'm pretty proud of myself (shoot me) because I just realized that last night a sat down and wrote out an entire chapter in one setting and then the beginning of the next one!

Which has never ever happened to me before, a little ways through I always bog down and my brain stops working or I get out of the mood or side tracked. But not this time.

But even with getting a whole chapter done, I didn't post it because it was so late. I feel like there's good times to post and bad times to post. And 2:00 a.m. is probably the latter.

And by good and bad I mean the feedback; more people being online and looking for something to read more likely at one point of the day versus the other.

Used to when I would write a lot I would always try posting around 4-6 p.m. when school and work was letting out and usually got more readers and whatnot. But then again, we're not all in the same time zone.

...So that brings us to the question: Is this all in my head? Or is there a certain time of day you like to post your story updates?

And also, entirely off subject. But in regards to my last blog, I found a place you can read Fifty Shades online for free so I gave it a shot and so far, I'm very disappointed with the writing itself. I guess you guys told me that though! haha.
January 17th, 2015 at 04:40am