French Lessons & New Story

Morning everyone!

Last night was quite exciting for me - I had my first of 10 weeks worth of French lessons. They're evening classes at City University, London, and I'll receive a qualification in French Accelerated Beginners at the end of it! I LOVE languages, and this came about as an opportunity through work (they're funding 90% of it), so I figured...why not? At least I'll be able to read and speak conversational French confidently by the end of the classes. That's the aim anyway!

Yesterday I also started a new story! This is a co-write with the wonderful Unexpected, and it's an original slash called Ohana. The premise is (and I won't give too much away!) that unemotional and unattached Nathan is given full custody of his half-brother Nicholas, and he has to hire a full-time nanny (Charlie) to help them out. We've got so much planned for it already, full of angst and sadness and lust and fun! I can't wait! The first chapter is up now!

That's all from me for now, but I'm hoping to update Different Dimension in the next couple of days, so that'll keep me busy! I hope everyone's keeping safe in this icy cold weather!

January 20th, 2015 at 09:17am