Opinions & Thoughts?

Hello Mibba!

I am writing this blog to ask for you opinions and thoughts of one of my stories that I have entered into a contest. The piece is short, a three part drabble series, so it shouldn't take more than five minutes of your time.

The drabble story is called Ink and I wrote it for the Mibba Magazine Contest called Sticking to It.

I would love to hear what anyone thinks about it or has to say about it because it is my first completed story here on Mibba, which I think is a big feat, even if it is only a drabble series.

Recommend the story, comment, share it, anything you'd like. I'd be very appreciative for any feedback; criticism, encouragement, or whatever.

Help a fellow writer out please, thank you all!

xoxo Christine
January 28th, 2015 at 06:07pm