Musical thoughts.

So I supose I went through a music revelation, I don't really know if that's what I should call it or not. =\ Anyway it kinda all started when I decided to lay off My Chemical Romance for a while. Not because they're a crappy band or nothing. Mostly cause Gerard REALLY let me down but besides the point, I'm just all yeah about them now. Not sure where I stand.

Blaqk Audio's Cexcells has become my all-time favorite record latley. It's hypnotic. That's the only way I can describe it...without using my usually 'amazing'.

Yeah I'm trying to stop using amazing as my main adjetive for bands. It's just like blahh annoying now cause that's all I used to ever say. =\ So yeah. Done with that.

Flight of the Concords has been high on my list latley. They're like a novelty band like Tenacios D if anyone cares to know. =] They're from New Zeland (sp?) and they are mad funny.

Bohemian Rhapsody is been one of my number one songs latley too. Don't know why. I spose that's due to Jessa's influence. She's cool peoples.

Hm...what else musical-ish topic to I have to say?...Henry Rollins I find quite humorus (his spoken word stuff). He's my current picture. =] I <3 him. Glenn Danzig's been pretty sweet latley too. (Even if he is as old as my dad. =]) think I know I must have more to say. Blah blah blahhhhhhh....

I spose that's all for now at least. I know I'll think of something to say laters.

Peace. Lydz <3
October 6th, 2007 at 10:39am