Do You Know What's Really Disappointing?

When you've had 17 readers on a story and you get no feedback, whatsoever. I mostly write for myself but I do like to know what people think of what I've wrote, ya know? I don't really comment on a story unless it is exceptional, whether that be exceptionally bad or good, it has to be something I think needs a lot of feedback. But I always make sure to recommend a story that I think is good.

So does the fact that my story has had 17 readers but no comments or recommendations mean that it's not a really good story? It's just upsetting, I guess. I mean, the whole point of putting your work on a site like this is mostly for feedback, or so I would assume. If you didn't want any at all, you wouldn't put your work on here.

I don't know. This will probably just come across as stupid to most people anyways but I needed to let out my frustrations.
February 9th, 2015 at 11:17pm