This Girl...

Zoey Elizabeth.

My step-sister from Pennsylvania. Keyword, sister.

She's twelve. Just turned twelve on January 23rd. I've known the girl since she was eight and her brother was eleven. I used to be closer to her brother, Ethan. But then, she grew up. I hadn't seen Zoey in a few years. Hadn't even heard from her or about her.

I went to Pennsylvania in November of 2014 for a Black Veil Brides concert, and she was there. We instantly connected again, as if no time had passed. We caught up, and she even gave me her iPod touch 4th generation. That was the start of something wonderful.

I went home the Sunday after the concert, and Zoey and I would FaceTime every day. When we weren't FaceTiming, we were texting on Kik. I missed her, and couldn't wait to come up for New Years.

When I came up for New Years, I got to spend the entire week with her, Ethan, Nyrie, Kyle, Shaun, Jen, and Nanny. I even got to see Jess. I stayed in Zoey's room with her. We were inseparable the entire week. We watch Youtube videos, did this stupid "don't laugh" challenge (and she spit water all over me), we played hide 'n' seek (good times, better memories), etc. We did so much, and spent so much time together, it was really hard to leave.

We still FaceTime a couple times a week, and I'm currently talking with her as I write this. I miss her, and cannot wait to see her again.

I love you, Zoey!
February 11th, 2015 at 02:55am