
Does anyone else ever intend to work on one writing project and then get completely taken away by another?

That's me in a nutshell. I have SOOOOOOOOO many things I should be working on!
Number one, the two books I wanted to try and get published! Number two, any and all of my fanfictions (D&W is so close to being done!). Number three, basically all of my study guides for school that need to be typed up and actually studied haha.

But nope, I've been completely and utterly consumed by this new story I'm writing. It's kind of a Tolkien-esque, Eragon-esque, Anne McCaffrey-esque book that's also really inspired by all of my favorite animes. It's got elemental dragons, the elements being fire, water, ice, rock, grass, air, lightning, dark, light and sonic. It's so fun TT___TT I can't stop.

I can't stop focusing on it! I even have dreams about it! I daydream about it constantly, even at work when I should be focusing on patients.

I think I'm so consumed by it because it's a return to what I really like to write and I'm just writing it for me, I'm not worrying about other's reading it like I would my fanfictions or the two books I'm writing to get published which are romances, I swear I don't even know how to write a regular romance. Most of my romantic history has been with guys who were friends for years before we dated, I've been trying to read romances so I can learn how to write them but it's kind of just depressing me haha I swear more than half of them feature passive aggressive, weak women and semi-abusive, rapey guys. I have no problem with sex in media, in fact bring it on, but come one can there be like one book where the guy isn't a caveman who bonks the girl over her head with a club and drags her back to his cave?
February 25th, 2015 at 06:48pm