Political Animals, Though

What what what?! What is up with this miniseries and why was it only a miniseries?! It's so good! And thank God for Netflix.

So, yes, I started watching Political Animals because the obsessed folks I follow on Tumblr were like, "There's so much Sebastian Stan in there!" So, of course, I said, "Let me see if it's on Netflix," and, of course, it was - because Netflix is a gift sent directly to us from Jesus.

And at first I thought, "I'll just skim past all the non-Sebastian parts," but once I started watching, I realize that was not at all possible because the show is so freaking (!) enrapturing.

Now I'm sitting here at episode four with only TWO (!) more episodes remaining in the entire SERIES (!) what the hell?!

I hope all these people find happiness and peace and their dreams come true and everything's settled by the end. (I know it's not going to happen but, Lordt, can a girl dream?)

Everyone is awful and flawed but still no one is completely irredeemable. Like I still want all of these precious babies to succeed in life and get a happy ending. (How freakin' rare is that?)

February 26th, 2015 at 04:29am