
Just writing to let you know updates coming up tonight.

In the mean time, read about the happenings of my life.

- I got the new DBZ game; Xenoverse. It's beautiful. I will be doing gameplay on it at some point and uploading to youtube.

- My hair is fluffy.

- I got new clothes, yay!

- I got new shoes but they are a bit girly, but I can manage with 'em. They match my pants.

- I finally figured out the publisher I'm going with, yay.

- I have to write some more original short stories.

- I saw this baby in the supermarket, and it totally looked like my boyfriend when he was younger. It made me all clucky again. FFS.

- I have started designing my DBZ tatm pic's later.

- We have to go out now because we got some money off my mum to do work around her house. So I'll be on later with the updates and the whatnot. Hopefully this is enough words. I'm too lazy to count tbh.
February 28th, 2015 at 02:47am