Update + Black History Month

Hey guys!

I haven't made a blog in like...two weeks.

Um. I changed my theme. Like a week ago but I haven't been on to announce it.

Yeah. Let' see how long this last.

School is cool.

Community service is going.

I'm taking biotin so my hair can grow.

I'm magically getting thinner by doing nothing. Well, my stomach is. Which is cool since I like the rest of my body the way it is for the most part.

I'm constantly in a state of "I wanna take a nap"

and some other shit I can't remember.

As I've mentioned many times before, I am apart of a committee at my school that planned for black history month.

All of our massive ideas kind of got dwindled down because no one was as passionate about it as the girls and I were about it.

Like we made posters that needed stands...that the school never provided.

We had a celebration...that not many people came to.

Which is disheartening because 99% of the school is WoC with 50% of them being black.

Yet, with that, the school mirrors society with how blackness is portrayed. People don't like it, don't want to talk about it, or straight up deny it.

Like there are many girls in the school who are black and refuse to call themselves that.

But that's a discussion for another day.

The celebration turned into an intense conversation about race relations in our school with our (white) principle and Senior religion teacher leading most of the way.

It was...alright. The principle tried to say things to make us feel better about the low turn out and general lack of interest a majority of the student body had/have about blackness, but honestly, it was like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound.

But, hey...little steps.

We also talked about feminism (since March is Women's History Month) and multicultural things.

I just know for a fact that there will probably not going to be another committee to do Black History Month at the school next year.

Yet, maybe I'll be surprised.

I'm just tired. Of everything.

I'm tired of fighting for my blackness.

Tired of fighting for my feminism.

Tired of being in the constant cycle of school.

So. Tired.

February 28th, 2015 at 09:38pm