Time Goes by so Quickly Sometimes...

But, I have come back!

I don't draw as much as I used to, but I want to get back into writing. Tons of ideas are hitting me lately! I have finally been able to recreate my writing playlists... all the Vkei goodness is flowing through my ears, once more.

I missed it almost as much as I missed writing.

I got discouraged with writing about a year ago, since I've always relied on notepad instead of word...
(Yes, I know it sounds really pointless, but I also have used notepad as a habit for a REALLY long time...) I got a new laptop. New Laptop is extremely touch sensitive and has a touch screen. This upset me because every other line would be accidentally deleted because of the cursor.

I'll deal with word now, and from now on.

Please look forward to tie-ins with some stories, very soon!
March 2nd, 2015 at 08:49am