
... has a smart remark for everything.

She ... has a loud diva voice.
She ... thinks very highly of herself.
She ... arrives once a week and stretches herself leisurely across the couch, feet propped against the wall.
She ... leaves dirty socks lying around the room.
She ... makes demands.
She ... turns music on really loudly while I'm trying to write.
She ... sings obnoxious songs when we're watching telly.
She ... is a fucking pest.
She ... grrr.
She ... is my sister.

Hi, how are you gettin' on? Just to let you know that there's this lil' thing called R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
And in my world it's frowned upon to roll up once a week and interrupt the environment. I'm such a prude.

Do you know any 'she's.
March 3rd, 2015 at 08:28pm