Be the Sunshine You Wish to See. || Let's Move Forward!

That. Just everything to do with that video.

My attitude has changed a lot this year, after only 3 months. I've found that I've started to treat people a lot better, to greet days in a way better manner.

I used to sit and complain about how "people never say 'hi'" or "people have such bad attitudes". And then, I started to walk in to places or up to people with a better attitude myself.

And do you know what I discovered? That I can directly effect the mood in a situation. I can turn what might have been a crappy trip to Wal*Mart to a pretty decent trip.

Does it work 100% of the time? No. Sometimes, people are just in bad moods and there's nothing you can do about it.

Do I always feel like doing it? HELL no. And I don't always. But I'm getting better at trying.

And it's helped me in so many areas: At work, in my home, at training classes. All I needed to do was stop looking at everything in the negative sense.

To stop thinking everything was going to be dull, or boring, or awful, or thinking that everyone was going to be rude.

Being proactive, and not stagnant, or worse, reciprocating and being part of the problem, is key.


That being said, Mibba, let's all challenge ourselves, as Alpha's Angel said so well to effect change.

Let's not just mope around and complain about lack of involvement. As I have done before.

Let's make our own personal pacts and efforts, they don't all have to be the same! Someone could, say, devote time to discovering or trying out reading a new genre each week, someone else could try to reach out to a new fandom, a third person may want to blog so much a day, still another person could strive to comment on "X" amount of works, and so on. The possibilities are endless!

And they are custom fit, because YOU are the change you want to see. YOU are the involvement that you think the site should have.

It is a powerful thing. And a hard thing. But I believe it is a 'worth it' thing.


I'm off to try and jump start my involvement.

I hope you all are having fantastic times, wherever you are. :)
March 4th, 2015 at 09:03pm