Anyone Like Naruto?

So, Naruto is up there with Harry Potter for me as one of those series who I grew up with that changed me on like a visceral level.

I know it's not the best anime/manga and it has flaws but I love it.

When I was a young teen I read probably thousands of Harry Potter and Naruto fanfiction, I was beyond obsessed and I'm lucky my parents didn't check my internet history and take me to a shrink.

When I read fanfiction now, it's pretty much all I read (save for some Bleach fanfictions)

Well at some point as a senior in high school, something happened in it that pissed me off so much I stopped reading it when the new chapter would come out every week. As a fan I was pissed and as a writer I was pissed at the poor execution and little set up.

Well the series just ended and it rekindled my love for it. And for the first time in like the nine years I've been a fan of the series, I actually started writing my own Naruto fanfiction.

Actually I wrote 4 -____- in a week haha two are multi-chaptered fics that are incomplete and two are one-shots that I'm insanely proud of. I'm not too crazy about one-shots in general but for some reason I keep getting lost in these character's head and ended up making probably the first writing pieces I'm truly proud of.

My dilemma is that I'm not sure I want to take the time to post to Mibba.

It seems like everyone here loves band fanfiction, there's not much anime love on this site and seeing as I work and go to school full time, I probably shouldn't even be taking the time to write these let alone post these on
March 10th, 2015 at 04:01am