My Story

So, I've been off of this site for a few months now, unfortunately my life had gotten a little crazy and I could not find any time to write. But, I really miss it and I reset my password and logged back on here, only to find out something awful.

My Ronnie story that I had been working on, that I was so very proud of and loved the plot etc, is completely gone. Like, deleted, nowhere to be found on here at all. I don't know what happened. Could the site have deleted it since I was gone from it for so long? Or maybe someone hacked into my account and deleted it, I don't know. I do know that I did not have that story saved anywhere else other than this site, so I can't even put the chapters back up :(

I'm so unbelievably sad. I loved writing that story, and I know that I had readers that loved the story. I guess my question here is, is there any way what-so-ever that I could somehow get that story back? Or is it deleted forever ? :(
March 12th, 2015 at 01:16pm