Thoughts on Nounself Pronouns/Otherkin & Questions

Okay, I've seen this a lot on Tumblr where people use nounself pronouns.

Like for instance dogself, catself, bunself, etc.

These kids basically claim that they aren't human and they get offended if you tell them otherwise. Like, they'll actually get offended if when you're referring to them, if you don't use one of their dogself, catself, bunself, etc pronouns.

They claim to be "otherkin" and transgender.
I'm sorry, but being a dog trapped in a human's body isn't real.

Also, they say that "All cishets are trash and human scum"

They'll even send out messages telling people who aren't "otherkin" or transgender to kill themself.

And if you tell them that what they're doing and saying (telling "cishets" to die) is triggering you, they'll act like the victim and they'll say that you're being transphobic and that you're triggering them and that you're offending them.

That bothers me when they say that.

They believe that they can insult and put others down and tell people to kill themselves, but if someone calls them out on their problematic behavior, THEY play the victim card and they get their followers and friends to send the person (the one who's being told to kill them self) hateful messages too until that person leaves Tumblr.

I'm sorry, but there's NO excuse to tell ANYONE to kill themselves.

Being gay doesn't give you the right to tell someone to kill themselves
Being trans doesn't give you the right to tell someone to kill themselves
Being straight doesn't give you the right to tell someone to kill themselves

Am I the only one here who thinks that it's a little crazy that these kids actually think that being otherkin is real?

I mean, it's impossible to be a dog or another animal trapped in a human's body.

I've even seen it be so ridiculous where some of these kids say that they're a car or another inanimate object trapped inside a human's body...

1) What are your thoughts on these kids that claim to be an animal or something else trapped inside a human's body?
2) Don't you think it's wrong that they act innocent when THEY ARE actually the ones telling people to kill themselves?
3) Do you think it's possible to LITERALLY BE a dog or anything else trapped in a human's body?
March 16th, 2015 at 07:45am