Prompt #1: Describe a Random Inanimate Object Near to You Right Now – Without Saying What It Is.

The root of all evil, the source of divine selfishness, of which a nation built its’ kingdom upon. Kingdom? Maybe prison. A pasture, to keep the sheep. Where the farmer uses this flimsy piece of junk to keep us filling up their fat pockets, using corruption of the innocent soul beginning at birth.

This flimsy piece of material is the cause of suffering, the cause of pain, the cause of war, the cause of hatred, the cause of negativity, the cause of selfishness and all evil that ruined a beautiful nation.

Causing separation and hatred; self hatred, hatred of others, hatred of what is different, hatred of what is unknown, hatred of what is feared, hatred of what is not understood or misunderstood, hatred of one of the most precious things life has to offer… Individuality.

This one inanimate object controls nations upon nations, millions upon millions of human beings. It controls their lives, their emotions, their relationships, their minds, it forces their ego ahead of their soul, it makes them suppress the emotional. It forces suppression of what life should be, would be, could be like.

Happiness. Unity. Oneness. High consciousness. Tight bonds. Communication. Light. Love. It should be, would be, could be whatever we manifested.

Whatever our creative minds could come up with.

Without this devious flimsy piece of material…

It should be, would be, could be… nirvana.

~ The New Age Goddess
March 16th, 2015 at 04:49pm