Aw Man, Right in the Feels || "Every Lonely Place"

Hey guys! How are you today? I’m pretty good, considering what this blog is about.

Let me just fill you in. A couple months ago I hosted a contest, fueled by an idea JamieAllOver came up with, which was called “A Total Feels Overload.” The idea was to “hit me with your best shot” in the feels department. And let me tell you, all of the stories were just fantastic. Here’s the link if you want to check out the stories all the wonderful contestants wrote: X. And let me tell you, I had trouble picking the winners.

Now, Mariela (kit walker.) entered her story Every Lonely Place, and let me say, at the end of if, I was just emotionally fried. I don’t know how to express just how amazing this story was.

At the beginning of this 1D story, Harry reflects back on a fight he had with his girlfriend Sydney, which ended with the two breaking up. Harry thinks he’s fine, because, really, he is. But he’s the only one who sees just how wonderful he truly is.

Louis, however, sees a different Harry. One who has gone hysteric. Harry, really, has been unravelling. And there’s no true answer as to why yet. (As Mariela had me thinking, a breakup doesn’t normally cause someone tweak out. Oh how wrong I was.)

Weeks go by with Harry in his own little world, until Louis stops by.

Here’s where, and pardon the language, shit hits the fan. Louis shows Harry just how crazy he’s really gone.

I don’t want to ruin the story for you. So definitely go check it out for yourself.

I will say that whatever you think you know… may just be a figment of your imagination.

They say hindsight is 20/20. It couldn’t be truer for this short story. There are beautiful little hints here and there that, once I read it again, made my heart shatter even more.

I think this story needs more credit. Mariela, goodness, I don’t know how she did it. But I will say that I was not disappointed with her work.

Great work, darling. Keep it up!

Thanks all, for reading.

March 18th, 2015 at 06:26pm