Don't Be Annoying. Be Supportive. (A Response Blog)

This blog is in resonse to Zayn Malik and the Paparazzi- Is this what We've Gotten to?. This is also a rant so proceed if you'd like.

It pains me just to read the blog, let alone going and reading/watching it and I can't even imagine how poor zayn feels. People don't understand that being a celebrity isn't easy. They basically sign away their privacy to live their dream. Why would we want a person, that as a fan we adore, wanna go through this? As fans, I know sometimes we can't help the feels or our fangirl urges but just think of the person who endures it all. Yes, I called them a person. THEY ARE A HUMAN BEING JUST LIKE YOU AND ME! Their destiny was to entertain us and when we enjoy it we repay them by making their lives miserable???

I know paparazzi has something to with this to and I don't know why someone would want to ruin someone's life for a pretty penny? It gives journalists a bad name also. Oh, you're a journalist so you have no soul. I have met so many famous people that when I say that I'm a writer, they get a bit flustered and closed off. I literally have to hide my passion at sometimes just so I can actually meet the person and talk to them. It's not just high end celebs either. I've met countless YouTubers at VidCon who I saw do the same thing and at ComiCon with Paul Wesley. It just never ends and it saddens me to an extent.

Remember how many people you could hurt by being excessive. Don't be annoying. Be Supportive.



I believe we can be better fans if we remember that the celebrities that we are fangirling over are people too.

March 20th, 2015 at 02:42am