Easter Giveaway!

Hii, so a couple days I saw The Alpha's Angel posted a blog { This blog } and I got inspired to do the same!


-3 Treats per person.
-** means limited
-() means unlimited.
-Ends Easter day at 5 pm eastern time- 1 pm PST


Creme egg** 0/5
-Banner for story/poem/blog

Jelly Beans** 0/5
-One shot (I'm only good at fanfiction and ok at original)

Chocolate eggs()
-3 recommendations on any 3 poems/one shot/ short story

Easter shaped marshmallows()
-2 comments on any 2 poems/one shot/short story

Puppies bc their cute** 0/6
- A blog written about you!
March 31st, 2015 at 02:57am