Camp NaNo.

Anybody else doing Camp NaNo here? I just got put in a cabin, and to be completely honest - I think their system is stuffed up. I got put in a cabin with people who arent even writing in a genre close to mine. It makes me nervous to speak to them in reality. One of them asked me what my novel was about and I just said "Haven't thought yet", simply because I was too nervous to tell them what it really was about. I mean, these people are writing about unicorns and stuff and I'm writing a dark humour novel. Basically, my book will not be for anyone with feelings. So that's like, zero readers. Hahaha.

Anyway, It's 1:40am here and I've already started working on it. The timer says it doesnt start until like, tomorrow but screw that, it's April 1st here now so that's when I'm starting. Hahaha.

Anyone wanna read an excerpt from my opening chapter? Sure, of course you do. You really don't. Here it is:

Excerpt from 'Sorry, We're Dead' : First Draft;

Civilians weren't entitled to know what was going on in the outside world, They were however given a small amount of knowledge to gossip about, to try and quell the nerves. The outbreak itself, was caused by an escaped test subject. Test subject of what you say? Genetic testing. No movie or badly acted out television show would have prepared you for life in the 'Shelter', being told that there was insane genetic mutants running around outside and all you had to protect yourself was shitty barbed wire fences.

When you think 'Genetic Mutants', You only think about super human strength, Correct? Well, You're half right. The other half of these test tube bastards is that they survive solely of the flesh of living, breathing, humans. Most would refer to them as 'Zombies', Again, Half right. They also have the ability to talk, Just like a normal human being. 'That's insane.', You're thinking. Yes, Yes it fucking is. 'This sounds like a television plot!', You're thinking – Some handsome dude will protect us and lead us to safety while simultaneously going through some major mid life struggle. No. No he will not. The handsome dude with mid life crisis problems is dead – Having his gut's torn out by deranged freaks in the middle of downtown where you once had lunch at that really nice burger joint. This is nothing like a television show. This is reality. How do I know? Well, I'm another fucking idiot that was lured in by the false sense of security. Food. Water. Shelter.

Dark/Humour. K. Just keep that in mind before judging me.

So there's that. Give me your opinions I suppose. If you want me to post the story here or whatever if you're interested, I can do that as I go along. You will also notice my new blog layout. Tis banging. Okay, well, Night I suppose.
March 31st, 2015 at 02:44pm