Blog Prompt and Poetry

"A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?"

I don't have a picture of me from last April, but I do have a picture of me from last May, specifically from my wedding:


And the most recent picture of me is here, from last month:


How have I changed? Well, I'm obviously married now, and my hair is a hell of a lot shorter.

I'm trying to get back into writing poetry. I'm not going to post all my stuff to Mibba for Poetry Month, but I am going to make an attempt to get farther in my poem-a-day quest than I did last year.

Mostly I've changed in that I've got a more solid idea of what I want for the future, though I'm not much more confident in my ability to get it. I'm getting to be more decisive and learning to be less scared of change.


Here's my freewrite for today, which is not impressive because I wrote it in literally five minutes so I could say I wrote something for the first day of April before midnight (which is now in fifteen minutes):

"When you told us how impressive the lighting had looked we all craned our necks to see out the window as if we expected the bolt to still be there waiting on us. Every one of us missed the light. Every one of us had forgotten the storm was coming. Every one of us had forgotten the way the humidity created its own sense of gravity, the way the wind couldn’t rouse the flags however hard it blew, the way the world was holding its breath for the rain. When you told us how impressive the lighting looked we all craned our necks to see as if we expected the bolt to still be there, but it took us only seconds to get bored with the gray and forget that we had ever been waiting for that momentary miracle."

I've been told "write to your lowest standard" in order to get out of writer's block. I'm trying to be willing to do that, but also trying to really get a lot better. I'm frustrated with my own lack of progress. I read poems that I feel are so much better than mine and I just...get frustrated.

Maybe tomorrow I'll try to turn this freewrite into something valuable. Or I'll try to write something new entirely.

Poetry is just so fucking hard sometimes.
April 2nd, 2015 at 06:47am