I Have No Friends

I just have no friends just one but I don't see her a lot or talk to her because of school and I work. Life is really weird right now it's just not how it was supposed to be . I was talking to her today and she said I have to be social but when I try people don't really talk to me at work they do because they have to we work together but I don't talk to everyone there I just don't like them or sense a good vibe from them . I just hate not having anyone at all . There's days where the only notification I get is my email and sometimes not even that you know I just don't feel right at all I hate being like this like I'm not going anywhere and working here makes it worse because this is the school I wanted to go to the college I always dreamt of going to I could still go but I would have to work really hard . I feel awkward and people don't want to talk to me they feel weird talking to me that's what I think it's just not right and then I have no car and I have to take the bus to come here and to go home and it's so far and frustrating I feel like quitting sometimes but it's a good job and it pays good I just wish I Had a car I can buy one that's not a problem I just don't know how to drive that's the problem and I don't like being like this I don't know how to drive and I can't buy a car if I don't know how . There No One To Teach Me And Driving School Is Expensive . I feel lonely all the time so I drink but then I feel like crap the next day for the summer I'm planning on going to vegas for a while by myself is that weird that I want to go there by myself I just want to get away that's all for a little while and pretend I have nothing to worry about just for a moment . Point is that I don't have anyone and it really sucks.
April 14th, 2015 at 02:16am