April 16th & 17th || Camp NaNoWriMo

Something you crave for a lot.
Caffeine. Coke in particular. If I don't get it I get really bad headaches and moody as fuck. If I can't get my hands on an iced coffee in the morning from Dunkin' Donuts, I get a Pepsi at work because a new mom always needs coffee.

Write about a typical day for you.
Let's explain a work day. I wake up at 7am to get ready and leave my house at 7:30am. I get to work at 7:45 or just before 8am depending on how traffic is that day. I then proceed to set up the store, slice up the meats, defrost bread, slice produce to open by 10am. I then gloom about until 5pm when I get off work. I then go home to relieve my boyfriend of his long day with the baby. I'll feed Ethan if he hasn't been fed, snuggle with my baby, get him to go to sleep by 7:30pm because most the time he hadn't napped except for little 20 minute power naps. I'll then plant myself on the couch and watch movies until 11pm when Ethan usually wakes up to eat. I'll feed him and then hold him while I sleep because the little brat won't sleep unless someone holds him.

I do believe I have failed Camp NaNo.
I haven't written anything in like, twelve days and before that I only really wrote like 200 words. So I guess it's been more like 20 days. It's just been so hard. I felt so crappy after my surgery and Ethan was so needy that I had to hold him (even though my doctor told me to wait a week to pick him up) and walk him around and sooth him constantly because every time he gets home from his grandparents he's always upset. But yeah, I haven't written anything and there's only like, what, 13 days left? I doubt I'm going to write 20k words in that time. Oh well, I started it figuring I wouldn't finish.
April 18th, 2015 at 05:26am