I Mean. Blogging Is Something I Could Do.


I've always kinda liked reading biographies and autobiographies and books/stories based on true events. I love that bizz. It's like my life's blood. Then not long ago I was like, "Bruh. You should start reading some blogs because some of them could be legit." So what I did was that I started looking in the blog section and I clicked on one that looked interesting to me. It was fantastic and I ended up reading a ton of this girl's blog entries. I feel like a creep but also I've never really been the friend that people go to talk about their problems. I've never even been the person that people go to when they just want to talk about their day. As a kid I found out that I have a knack for making people laugh and I rolled with it and now here I am as the jokester clown that nobody takes seriously. Which is ironic because I'm so serious (lol where the Joker at right about now, doe) when I'm alone. I'll have those moments when I think about some really intense stuff and then I'll try to tell someone about it. Like last week I was in this really funky mood (the details are blurry) and basically I told someone about it and he asked me if I was high. So basically. I make people laugh and they don't take me seriously. Then sometimes I'll vent to someone or I'll share something really personal with someone. Then that person will share something really serious with me and I'll be like, "Uhhh. Man, that sucks. *awkward hug* Anyway, gotta go bye." I can't help it. Not only do I have an issue with being sympathetic and/or empathetic but I also hate when people come to me with an issue that they consider to be a huge hurtle and then it turns out to just be some shitty reason to feel sorry for themselves. Honestly, I had an awful childhood. Not even kidding, if child services happened to be close-by, their spidey senses would have tingled like crazy. I'm not saying this in an attempt to get someone to feel sorry for me or anything like that because I'm fine. But I'm pretty sure that's the reason I can't feel sympathetic when Ashley comes to me and she's upset because Josh broke up with her but he was confusing and he told her he loved her yesterday. (Totally made up scenario btw)
So anyway. Reading homegirl's blog entries basically opened up a new world for me that I'd like to explore.
April 22nd, 2015 at 09:27am