On Mibba's interesting obsession with My Chemical Romance.

Now, I'm no stranger to My Chemical Romance. I mean, I'm not a fan, but I know they exist. I've known since I was a freshman that they exist, from the moment my ex made me a CD with the words "EMO 101" scribbled on the cover with a cheap fading sharpie. It was filled with the usual acoustic songs sung by men whose voices could outdo mine and somehow remind me of a 3rd grader, and then quite a few MCR songs. I just sort of ignored them after that and I never really heard the CD or the band again until last July when my buddy Mike raved to some friends and I about how amazing "Welcome to the Black Parade" was while driving up to see Daft Punk play. I'd heard it was quite the departure from their previous stuff and that it was just some rockin' shit, so I told him to put it on.

What I heard was kind of like...an excellent cheeseburger or something (or maybe a salad if you aren't into the whole eating delicious dead animals thing like I am) covered with bad sauce. The music itself was definitely pretty rockin', but I couldn't get past the voice. I could hear this lead singer (Gerard I believe it is?) having convulsions on the other side of the microphone. I told him they've got some real potential and I believe we went back to Of Montreal.

But enough of my story.

I'm going to embrace some delicious stereotypes from this point, because they save me time and anyone who thinks that they're true for all whatevers is silly and needs a slap in the face.

Anyways, what I find interesting about Mibba is that MCR seems to like...rule over every other band on this site. Are there any other bands on this site? I mean, I was expecting an equal amount of Fall Out Boy fanfics, maybe some Panic! at the Disco thrown in there, Avenged Sevenfold for fans of hilarious music videos (Don't tell me you saw some fellow playing guitar on a casket and didn't crack a smile), just like a wide variety of stuff. And I mean, I'm sure there are FOB and Panic! and Avenged Sevenfold fanfics on here, but the gigantic amount of MCR stuff compared to all of this just blows me away. Maybe it's all a plot or something.

While we're talking about bands in that sort of niche, I think I'll ramble on about something else I've been thinking about. I wonder what it is about anime/manga (I guess) sort of fans (moreso girls than guys, I've noticed) that draws them to that kinda music so heavily. I mean, being someone that does enjoy anime (But not really manga), I wonder why I'm not so into this music and instead hug my Radiohead and Neutral Milk Hotel albums to sleep.

I don't know, I'm getting ahead of myself. I still don't understand the first thing I was going on about.

But, don't let my words discourage you if you're writing a hot and steamy fanfic about MCR. By all means, keep on writing it. Write that sexy shit, yo.
October 7th, 2007 at 09:36pm