My Platonic Soulmate- How We Met and How We Became Friends


I wasn't really sure what I could write about in this new blog thing I'm trying to keep up with. This is mostly because I'm just not very dedicated or organized and also because I'm in college and my final exams are next week. I don't have time to be dedicated or organized with anything except my studies.

So I decided to start off by describing who this platonic soulmate of mine is and briefly explaining what our relationship is like and how exactly it developed. Let's call her CJ because I'm totally going to reveal personal details about her and I'm not sure she'd very much like it if someday someone she knows finds out about certain things that she meant to keep a secret.
I met CJ because we were randomly assigned as roommates. I opted out of attending a state school or the community college that's back home, so I ended up deciding to come to a small private school that's a few hours away from home. As far as I knew, nobody else that I went to high school went also made the same choice as I did, so I had to get randomly paired. The school is so small that there is a certain man here that reads through the Housing Applications of incoming Freshman that haven't paired themselves off yet. He then uses his matchmaking magic to find your soulmate. Or at least that was the case with CJ and me.
CJ moved into our room a day before I did. (because I couldn't move in on the day I was supposed to because I'm fabulously important and I had bidness to take care of. But not really. There was just a last minute problem that came up) She hesitantly chose a bed, a closet, and a desk as her own. It was the sweetest thing when I walked in and she offered to move out all of her things just so I could get first choice of a bed, closet, and desk even though she had already made that decision. Even if I hadn't liked my spaces I wouldn't have made her switch with me because that's rude and also they're pretty much the same thing.
We were really awkward and we talked for a little while and I asked about the parts of the orientation that I had missed. She explained everything as well as she could and then the conversation was over. For the next few days we really didn't talk at all. It wasn't so bad because she and I were in different orientation groups called ''foundation groups'' and we spent most of the next few days going to different orientation events with our foundation groups. Then the first day of classes rolled around and we both did our own thing and then lunch time came around. I decided I didn't want to try to force us into being friends, so I had a random surge of bravery and I went to lunch alone. I ended up running into my foundation group leader and she invited me to sit with her and her friends. That was a nice success. Not eating lunch alone on the first day. Yes.
But seriously. Our college is smaller than my high school was, so eating alone here isn't very common. At dinner time I decided that she needed to eat and I needed to eat, so I was like, "Hey, I'm gonna go eat dinner. Would you like to go with me?" and she said yes. It was pretty nice. Success two of the day. Oh yeah. We didn't talk very much to each other. We both pulled out our phones and essentially did our own thing.
Fastforward a week or so and we're both still going to meas together on a regular basis but still not talking much to each other. Then two girls walk by and they're having an intense conversation and we both happened to catch a piece of what she was saying. It was some pretty risque and rather startling stuff this girl was saying. We gave each other this look and then just like that we started talking about this girl and what she said. Then we talk about other people. And just like that we become gossip buddies. But we don't call it that. We call it shit-talking because that's way more accurate.
I also like to eat altoids from a tin. They're the best. After every meal, I'd pop one in my mouth and I'd offer CJ one. The first day she said yes and the next day she said no. She kept rejecting me and I playfully acted offended about it. Then I stopped offering and a few days later, she asks for one on my own. I flip out and demand to know why she's messing with my head. She laughed and apologized and she's taken an altoid everyday since then. ;) She later explained to me that her friend in high school also used to offer altoids to her everyday and she'd take one everyday and then all of a sudden he one day just stopped bringing them to school. The withdrawal was bad. So when I offered them to her she internally was like, "Why are you doing this!? WHO SENT YOU?"

Those two reasons pretty much were the start of it all. She and I both agree that the risque girl and the altoid incident are the reasons we really became friends instead of continuing to be awkward.
April 23rd, 2015 at 09:23am