Let's Not

Can we not joke about killing people's pets? If I joked about killing your dogs, I'd be an asshole. So why is it okay for 'exotic' pets? Dogs and cats are off limits, but apparently it's okay to joke about killing them if they're snakes, birds, rats, etc.

I found a cat and my mom posted a picture of it. Right away:


(the cat, as it turns out, is not interested in the bird--also the cat's name is Frodo)

I wouldn't be so mad if this was the only time this happened. But it's not. People do it all the time.

When I let a lady watch my birds when I left for a week, she kept saying (jokingly) that she would put her brother's cat in the cage to eat them.

I've had numerous people joke about skinning, plucking, cooking and/or eating my birds.

If you're one of the people who does this: stop.

I understand that no one's going to love my birds as much as I do, but that doesn't excuse it. These are my beloved pets; they're my best friends, as cheesy as it sounds, so it just breaks my heart to see that so many people think it's funny to joke about killing them. It's not.

I've heard similar things from other exotic pet owners: that people jokingly 'threaten' to kill their rats or behead their snakes.

And I'm sure they, just like me, would be devastated if anything happened to their pets. They may not be cats or dogs, but they're our companions.
April 26th, 2015 at 01:59am