Goals for May

I thought it'd be nice to go ahead and give myself a few goals for the month of May. I've never written a blog for my goals, but I'll start now! I'm going to start myself with five goals and add on as May continues.

1. Post at least a chapter on all of my stories. I don't know how well this one will work, but it's definitely worth a try.

2. Start learning the Korean language. I really want to learn Korean and Hangul, but I never have the time to. This goal will definitely be a high priority.

3. Read at least five books. I've already started one, which is Fall of Night by Rachel Caine. I don't think this will be hard for me.

4. Finish my Junior year of school with good grades. I am so close to finishing this year. It ends on May 20th. I'm so excited to be a Senior. And my grades are rather decent at the moment. I have all A's and B's on my Semester grades.

5. Be less quiet. This one is a big goal for me. Right now, I am kind of shy, and don't really like talking to others, but I'm planning on working on that throughout this month. Yeah, I'll admit, I'm a little afraid, but it needs to be done. I need to come out of my shell!

These are my first five goals. I really hope to accomplish them all. I'll try to do weekly blong to update you on how the goals are going. What are your goals? Do you think you can accomplish them?
May 1st, 2015 at 06:41pm