
first journal- wahoo! well this week-end of my life has been the most energetic ever!
decided that me, tamlyn and melilah (and chris, for part of it), would be like total fuckin chavs and hang out at our local park!! we realised that if you get there before the chavs they dont shout as much abuse as the do if you arrive "late". yeah- i swear we should have like a fucking park rosta for when the fucking chav little shits should be there, adn then you have the kids who are like 10 who keep on pestering you for use of the swings and it's like "you can go on them, when my ass isn't on the fucking swing mush!" that really gets on my nerves!! =D and apart from that i think my parents are just happy to get me out of the house for once!! cuz like up till now i was one of those people hu stayed in all day and night and only had a social life at school (sad ass, right!)- so i think they're just happy that now they know i have friends!! lol!

anyways, i'll keep on writing soon

love ya all <3

April 2nd, 2007 at 10:20pm