Hey All You People!

So yesterday, I've started writing a non-fanfic story and I have the basic plot sort of etched out. Fanfiction is mainly my forte but lately I've been itching to share my originals with the world and this is just the place.

The girl, Jennifer Matthews, doesn't have a lot of control in her life and wants more. The guy, Dashawn Blake, has too much control and wants to let it go. Being with each other allows them to do exactly what they want. They meet at a wedding (kind of cliche) and hit it off from there. Dashawn is firefighter and Jennifer is a TV talk show host. Despite Dashawn's job allowing him little power to control certain things he still has tons of control over everything. Despite Jennifer's job allowing her power to control everything, things are still spinning out of control.

Now that I've shared that with you I need to finish up the first chapter so that I can share it with you all. I can't wait to see the response about it, I hope it's something y'all would rave about.

-Peace out & stay beautiful
May 19th, 2015 at 09:12pm