You Can't Be Selective About Forgiveness

I saw someone on Facebook say the only reason are upset about Josh Duggar molesting minors, his sisters even, is because he’s a Christian. As if we don’t care about the actual horrible crime, well, crimes, he committed. We just wanna attack him because he’s a Christian. Like……….. are you even serious?

Molestation and incest are two very heinous acts. Especially when committed by someone who’s a part of a family who act as if they’re soooo much better than the general public, the "heathens". A family with a true holier than thou complex. So of course people are doing to be upset. He did a horrible disgusting thing. It's inexcusable.

But white Christian always wanna play the victim. They always do. They can't accept the fact that people are outraged, disgusted over a man molesting children. A man who was raised with morals. Strict morals. Because the fact that Josh is a Christian does make it all the worse. Because he knows better. He was raised better.

I understand that everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves forgiveness, But the thing is, there's people out there who preach forgiveness for Josh and his crimes, but won't forgive a POC for committing a crime/sin of any kind.

I mean, man, if only white Republicans could be as forgiving as they are with Josh Duggar, to all of the people of color who lost their lives due to police brutality. Because if we can forgive a white Christian man for molesting multiple little girls and some of those girls being his sisters, then we should totally be able to forgive a POC who committed minor assault or theft or whatever other petty crime they committed and not continue to paint them in a negative light even after they’ve died, labeling them as a "thug". We should, shouldn’t we?

But I mean, if you ask me, being a sexual predator is way worse than being a “thug”.

You can't be selective about forgiveness.

(Sorry I was just really pissed and needed to rant and this was a good place)
May 23rd, 2015 at 03:08am