Changing My Name

For as long as I can remember I've hated my name. I can't help but feel like it's an old lady name, and that it just doesn't fit me. So, for the longest time, I attached part of my middle name to my first. I still didn't quite like it though, and I remember during lunch time one year, I had a conversation with my then friends about changing it.

I can also remember times when I would be playing outside and talking out loud to myself, I'd pretend to have a different name.

I'm at the age where I could change my name legally. But legally speaking is different than having your friends and family call you something else when they've spent over two decades calling you what your name is. I wouldn't even know how to go about asking them to, nor do I really think they would go along with it.

In truth, I'm scared of what they'd think. And am I letting that hold me back? Most definitely.

I am going to change my name on here though. So hello, my name is Blake, and I have a few questions to ask you.

1. Do you like your name?
2. If you could change it, would you?
3. What would you change it to?
4. Any advice about getting family to call you something else?
May 25th, 2015 at 04:16pm