About You

These past few weeks have been amazing. We see each other so much now, in and out of work. We're hanging out and doing things like hiking and going to the gym and just having a blast doing things I'm not usually doing.

You're amazing. You don't send me flowers. We don't text continuously throughout the day. You don't call me baby or sweetheart. But it's in the small things you do, and the other things don't seem to matter much. It's the way you give me your shirt to wear when I'm cold and stroke my hair until I fall asleep. The way you state how concerned you are about me driving when I haven't gotten sleep and ask me to text you when I get home. It's in you eyes, when you look at my face when my face lights up and you ask what I'm thinking about.

We didn't expect this to happen. We didn't plan on kissing or making out until the windows steamed up. We didn't plan on our hanging out turning into small dates or holding hands in front of friends. And now when I look around I think -- this is going to hurt like hell once it's over. I know what you want and I'm terrified that if I give it to you, if I admit that we're more than friends, that I'll be admitting that I'll lose you one day.

Boyfriends come and go, but friends stay by your side.

But could I even let this amazing, wonderful person go without a fight? Love never lasts, but wouldn't it be amazing while it happens? Could I even close the chapter without even beginning?
May 27th, 2015 at 03:00am