My Culture

Okay so I'm doing that culture blog thingie.

I'm from Georgia (which if some of you don't know is in America).

I'm not 100 percent American though.

I have some German, Irish, English, and French.

I live in Georgia though.

Despite what most people believe, Country music isn't my favorite. Some people think that "Oh you're from the south? You listen to Country music all the time!"

That's not the case.

I'm from the south but I listen to all types of music just like anyone else. My favorite is Rock music.

Food wise. We have fried food. And it's good.

But like with the music, not everyone down here eats fried food. Some people can't and some people don't want to. I'll eat it but it's rare.

Also, fried food isn't the only type of food served down in the south.

It's just like any other place.

We have Mexican food, Chinese food, Indian food, Italian food, and more.

My favorite is Mexican food.

I could live without the fried food but take away the Mexican food and I'll be pissed lol

Okay, another common misconception, is that everyone from the south is stupid.

The south is just like any place else. Some people are really smart here, some people are really dumb here, and some people are just average. My IQ is 125 so I'm pretty sure I'm not an idiot. I'm about average.

So, yes, in the south you do have a few people that love Country music, love fried chicken, and that are just pure idiots. But you'll find that everywhere.

Me? I love Rock music, love Mexican food, and am of average IQ.
June 4th, 2015 at 05:35pm