A Balance Beam.

On one hand I'm this flowing, flexible creative creature. I thrive in music and English, language, stories, spells, meditation. Vibration. Fluidity. And the on the other hand I'm this tight ass, rigid, stick in the mud who stresses over everything.

What do I really want out of this life?
other than peace and the collected human race coming together as one body of love.

Relaxation, happiness. To work in an orchestra. A band. As an author. As a dancer. A gypsy. A traveler and a jet-setter. Money means little to nothing, life is about fun. I want to have fun and I want to give fun, I want to entertain.

But. The dollar sign rules. So, until then, I'll continue my days as a prospective nurse, mother, and lover. A giver, still. But not an entertainer. In life I'm either a monk or a party girl, there is no middle ground for me.
June 7th, 2015 at 03:33am