Donating to My First Charity

Today as I was walking out of a store a nice lady approached she was about my age which is 21 she was really nice . She started talking to me about a charity where you donate to children in need from all around the world who need it the most and I have a kind heart and my mom used to donate all the time to charities like that even to the ones where you help dogs . I listened and she said when I donate each month they get seen by a doctor they get food they get clothes and many other things and I don't have to donate much it's just 28 . To me that's nothing a month I have a good job a stable job that pays me well and I've always wanted to donate to a charity but I never got around to it until now . She told me to pick what age and from where and if I want a girl or a boy so I picked Mexico because I want to visit there one day and my parents are from there . I decided on a little baby girl because as a baby they need extra care since there so small and they need to be seen by a doctor often and can get sick easily . I was thinking of a older little girl maybe around 10 because she said that I can write them letters and they can write me to but I thought why not a baby I can see her grow up and where she's older she can write me . Some people think it's a scam or that they lie or that it isn't true but it is because these are real people who need help and by donating your giving them something they have always dreamed of having and it doesn't just make them happy but the parents to. In a week I'll get a package saying who she is and how she looks I'm excited . I told someone about this and they were saying it's a scam which maybe some people pretend to but this one is real and I think more people who can afford it should do it more often .
June 9th, 2015 at 02:39am