Story Rewrite + Summer!

Okay, I have been thinking about rewriting one of my one-shots and to either keep it as a one shot or progress into a story. The problem is I can’t really decide on which story should I do. If anyone could help me out on this just comment or message me, whichever you prefer.

At first, I didn’t think of it as a big deal, you know just take the original one then change things and bam! That wasn’t until I saw other writers who did really great at rewriting their stories, generating better ideas. I also want to make sure I myself do better in it so if there could be tips you could give me in terms of this. Please do so. I’ve been writing for so long but this is the first time I’m doing it so please, if you could help me out.

Anyway, I’ve got almost two months down of my summer (the school’s changing the start of the semester so we’re having an extra month) and so far it’s been such a blast. I’m getting to explore the country, going to various provinces and I only have a word to describe it; beautiful. Before, I never really got the fuss about exploring or adventure, it never really fascinated me until now since I found out that there are places waiting to be looked at.

How about you guys? Any summer plans?
June 10th, 2015 at 06:00pm