Well, I'm Feeling Hopelessly Desperate and a Bit Sad... (Rant, Not an Angry Rant, Though)

Well, in case the title didn't really make it clear enough, I'm not exactly feeling all that great now. I don't think I worded it right when I said sad, desperate, or hopeless. I believe that a more accurate way of describing this is that I'm remembering. Friend related things. Mibba related things. Basically life pre-fck-up-Hannah. I'm missing it, but not really. None of it is important to me as a person now. I don't depend on my alter-ego anymore, I don't depend on my ex-boyfriend anymore, I don't depend on an amazing Mibba-based clan/support group for friends. That last part, that kind of sucks. When I joined Mibba (well, I joined GSB first, then INO, then Mibba) about three and a half years ago, I met some people that made great online friends. One or two of which became great long-distance IRL friends. I remember when I used to log off of the Mibba chat room, I would instantly start texting the two other people that were in said chat with me tonight. I remember when all of my social life was Mibba, my boyfriend (now ex), my band (now ex) and my best friend (now ex, maybe?). It was kind of sad, but I sort of miss it. I don't miss being devoted to it, as now that I look back on it it just screwed with my sleep patterns and made my eyes hurt. I miss the people, though. The people that I've lost, maybe permanently. I hope that you know who you are, because I'd like to thank you for being friendly, welcoming me to a new place, helping me to develop skills in writing, to find my personality, and to be accepted. I definitely would not have a grew deal of people that I have in my life now with me if I have not had many crazy endeavors on this site. I honestly don't know where I wanted to go with this, besides the fact that I wanted to get it off my chest, I guess. Thank you, Mibba, thank you, little blue box labeled 'Content*' for listening.
June 11th, 2015 at 07:35am